Saturday, December 29, 2012

Does Your Realtor Match Your Personality?

Whether you are an existing home owner or getting ready to venture into the amazing world of home ownership, finding the right real estate agent that fits your personality can be very taxing and stressful. Finding the right person to help you navigate through this transaction can make this process either fun or add to the stress.

You might have a friend or a relative that is a real estate agent, but you don’t know if they would be someone with whom you can work. You are saying, this is a business transaction why does it matter? I don’t know about you but I like doing business with companies and individuals who share similar business ideas and with whom I can relate. Do you have a customer that you really enjoy working with; when you see them it is like seeing an old friend?

When interviewing your agent consider these points:
  1. Do they listen?
  2. Do they ask questions or just give you ideas?
  3. How do they communicate? Does it match yours?
  4. How many clients do they have? Sometimes the really busy agents aren’t able to provide the attention you are expecting.

I know you are now asking yourself, what about their experience and knowledge of the market in your area? Yes, this is important, but I can personally attest that I have had listings and have helped buyers in areas of our city in which I have never been before. This is where “does my agent listen and ask questions” becomes critical. While I might not know the ins and outs of every market technology allows me the tools to educate myself. I also can network with other agents, whether in my brokerage or other firms.

Do you have a spouse or partner? What is their personality? If you are listing your home, do you have the same expectations for the length of time expected to have your home on the market? If buying, do you have the same wish list for what you want in a home? An agent working with couples needs to consider both of their needs and sometimes this can get pretty ugly. I can say that for my buyers, all but ONE, have couples, some married, some not. Understanding who really is making the majority of the decisions is sometimes hard to determine, but listening and watching both individuals an agent can help determine that both clients are getting the home that they both will love.

Here are some ideas to make sure that both you and your partner are on the same page when either listing or purchasing a home:
  1. Each person should make a list of expectations. How long are you planning on listing your home or looking for a home?
  2. Compare lists and see what you have in common.
  3. Pick your top 5 must haves that are different from the other
  4. Each pick your top 3 (compromise comes into play here)

 By doing this you can work through some of the bigger issues that might arise before you being the process of selling.

Show these to your agent so that he/she had your MUST HAVES. 
  1. If you are listing a home do the same list as above, taking in to consideration the following:
  2. How long do you expect your home to be on the market?
  3. What “home improvements” you will be willing to do to get a higher price?
  4. How many open houses are you expecting? I have had some clients that have not wanted to do any open houses.
  5. What do you feel your home is valued?
  6. How are you going to handle showings
    • Will you require a minimum notice?
    • Do you have pets?
    • Do you work out of your home?
Once you have taken a little time to do some pre-work, when you actually start interviewing agents you will quickly be able to determine who will be the one that will best suit your own personality and get your home listed or start your journey to buying your new home.

For more information or to talk work with Leslie you can contact her at: or visit her website at:

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